What Your Will Reveals About You

Mature African American Couple signs documents in hands of a younger man

Your will says something about you. First, it says that you care about your loved ones. You want to make it easier for them by taking care of legal matters relating to the transfer of your estate. You want your affairs handled smoothly and without undue inconvenience to those who will be experiencing grief.

Second, having a will means that you have sought to conserve your estate. You can reduce taxes and probate costs by designating what things will go where and who will be responsible for handling the details. The cost savings resulting from a carefully constructed estate plan means that more of your estate can go to family members and other beneficiaries.

Third, your will provides insight into your lifetime involvements and concerns. Bequests to family members tell of your love and concern for their welfare. And bequests to organizations speak volumes about your values.

For example, when you include a charitable organization in your will, you reveal that caring for others is worthwhile and you affirm your belief in the mission of that organization. Such action encourages those you leave behind to consider how they can help those in need.

Finally, when you include an organization like the Community Foundation in your will, you tell us that you want us to continue to support the things you care about in this world. You reveal your vision for our future! You encourage us to be good stewards of the new resources you place in our hands.

Your will says other things as well about your interests and values and commitments. And because it says so much, you are wise to think it through carefully.

We want you to experience the good feelings of having a well-considered and well-crafted will (or other comprehensive estate planning document). As you work with your professional advisor, we are here to help and answer any questions about options for tax-smart and impactful charitable aspects of your plans. Our Philanthropic Services team is here as a resource and would love to speak with you about options for gifts and estate plans. Reach our team at 301-695-7660 or email development@FrederickCountyGives.org.