Giving to Others Gives Us Lots of Reasons to Smile

blue paper smiley face held out in open hands on a white background

Charitable giving is important not only locally and nationally, but also internationally. Indeed, the World Giving Index 2024 Global Trends in Generosity reports that 4.3 billion people worldwide helped someone they didn’t know, volunteered time, or donated money to a good cause in the preceding month.

It’s no surprise that research indicates that giving to others actually puts donors in a good mood. This is especially the case, studies show, in three ways:

  • The act of giving feels good in the moment
  • People like having choices about their giving
  • People like to see the results of their giving

We know this intuitively based on our own experiences. For instance, many of us enjoy picking out a birthday gift for a friend or family member and watching them open it.

The same good feelings translate to charitable giving. People enjoy working with the Community Foundation. Certainly, one reason is because the Community Foundation activates the research’s three key factors:

Feels good in the moment. The Community Foundation makes it easy to give cash, stock, or other assets to a type of fund that is the best fit for you, whether that’s a designated fund, field of interest fund, or unrestricted endowment fund. When you initiate the stock transfer, for example, it’s fun because the Community Foundation makes it easy. You know immediately that you’ve taken meaningful action.

Offers choices. The Community Foundation’s tools are flexible to meet your charitable giving goals. We can help you set up an annual giving strategy, establish a bequest to your fund in your estate plan, and everything in between. Most of all, we want to help you support the causes that are most important to you, whether those are particular charities or broader areas of community need.

Shows results. The Community Foundation has its finger on the pulse of our county’s priorities and how charitable giving can improve the quality of life for everyone. Every day, we work with you and other families, individuals, and businesses to help you not only make a difference, but also actually see the difference you are making. From research and hands-on site visits, to networking with other donors and meeting with community leaders, our team will provide a wide range of opportunities for you to see firsthand the results of your philanthropy.

We look forward to helping you incorporate charitable giving into your life in ways that help the community and make you happy! Our Philanthropic Services team is here as a resource and would love to speak with you. Reach our team at 301-695-7660 or email