Founded through a trust from the late Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Zimmerman for operating support.
Clayton and Phebe Zimmerman contributed to the farming community of Frederick County for 40 years, valuing hard work and traditional American values. Prior to owning their dairy farm in Ceresville, Mr. Zimmerman was the sales manager at Glade Valley Bakery in Walkersville, and Mrs. Zimmerman was a 1926 graduate of Towson Normal School and a schoolteacher. While operating the farm from 1962 to 1986, the Zimmermans lived a simple lifestyle. They had a woodstove to generate both hot water and heat and lived frugally. They gradually accumulated considerable profits from their labor and used it for the benefit of the Frederick County community. Through Mrs. Zimmerman’s will, four endowment funds were created with the Community Foundation to benefit Hood College, United Way of Frederick County, Hospice of Frederick County, and Frederick Memorial Hospital. In addition, through a charitable remainder trust, the Zimmermans founded The Glade United Church of Christ Endowment Fund. Generations of Frederick County residents, well into the future, will benefit from the Zimmermans” generosity through their careful estate planning and willingness to share their resources with the community they loved dearly.