Created by a group of community volunteers, this fund was created to support the design, creation, and placement of a statue within Carroll Creek Linear Urban Park to honor Mayor Ron Young’s leadership that brought about the renaissance and revitalization of downtown Frederick, Maryland.
The City of Frederick is a thriving, diverse community, nationally recognized for its revitalized historic town center. The downtown area is anchored by the spectacular Carroll Creek Linear Park, the innovative and award-winning flood control project that contributes to the downtown’s appeal and viability.
Former Mayor Ron Young is the visionary who championed this forward-thinking solution that would expand downtown’s commercial opportunities, respond to the chronic threat of structural loss throughout the downtown business district due to flooding, and provide an inspired new visitor attraction. Working with federal, state and local partners as well as subsequent mayoral administrations, The City of Frederick is now a strong and vibrant community. The sculpture tribute to Ron Young celebrates this success and his inspirational leadership and vision for the creation of Carroll Creek Linear Park and downtown’s revitalization.
The Committee for the Ron Young Sculptural Tribute has commissioned nationally renowned sculptor Antonio Tobias Mendez, “Toby,” to create a seven-foot bronze sculpture of Ron Young to be positioned at the amphitheater within Carroll Creek Linear Park. The sculpture will include an interpretive wayside exhibit that will recount the Park’s development, the downtown revitalization effort, and recognize the commitment of successive mayors who helped fulfill the vision.