News & Stories

Arts Lover Supports Local Artists in Estate Provisions

Published in The Frederick News Post on July 18, 2022: James Marshall Green loved the arts, and he knew that a community that offers a thriving arts scene must also be a community that supports its artists. Mr. Green passed away in 2018 and made provisions through his estate to continue supporting Frederick County artists for many years to come.

Beautification Initiatives Important to Community Building

Published in Frederick News Post on July 4, 2022: You might be surprised, while walking down a bustling street, to look up and see a cascade of pink and purple petunias or vibrant pink begonias falling over the side of a hanging basket. If you’ve taken a moment to look up while strolling around in downtown Frederick, you’ve likely seen some of the 70 flowering baskets that beautify the historic landscape.

Fathers and a Legacy of Community Impact

Published in the Frederick News Post on June 20, 2022: Yesterday was Father’s Day – a day traditionally meant to honor fathers and shine a light on the importance of an involved dad in child rearing. Hopefully fathers across Frederick are feeling the love. Over the years, donors have turned to the Community Foundation to help create lasting memorials to their fathers.