Philanthropy: A Team Sport

A group of men huddle on a sports field.

At first glance, you may think of charitable giving as mostly an individual act. Certainly, most of the time, the actual money or asset that constitutes the charitable donation comes from a single person, couple, or entity. Beyond that, though, it likely makes sense to think of charitable giving as a collaborative endeavor.

Here are three examples:

Serving on the board of trustees of a charitable organization is a rewarding activity for many people. And many people complement their board service with financial support. Dialogue among board members, leveraging board members’ talents, and collective board oversight are important components of a well-run nonprofit organization. Charities are counting on board members’ objective voices in the boardroom, board members’ constructive questions, and the board’s dedication to ensuring that public trust in the charity is maintained.

For many people, involving other family members in charitable giving is one of the most rewarding ways to instill philanthropic values and transfer these values across generations. Whether you’re teaching young children about the importance of helping people in need or joining with siblings to develop a grant-making strategy for a family donor advised fund at the Community Foundation, you’re experiencing the joy of working together to make a difference in the lives of others.

Working with the Community Foundation is itself a collaborative activity. When you organize your giving through a donor-advised or other type of fund, you are working with multiple professionals on our team to help you plan your annual gifts, evaluate impact, structure tax-savvy contributions of appreciated stock, and so much more. Plus, the Community Foundation team often works alongside your attorney, accountant, and financial advisor to ensure that both your financial and community goals are top of mind.

Thank you for the opportunity to work together to make our region a better place for everyone, now and in the future. If you’re not yet working with the Community Foundation, we look forward to exploring the options. It would be an honor and pleasure to work alongside you and your family on your charitable giving journey.

The team at the Community Foundation is honored to serve as a resource and sounding board as you build your charitable plans and pursue your philanthropic objectives for making a difference in the community. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisor to learn how this information might apply to your own situation.