Application Open for Friends of The Great Frederick Fair Grant Funding

Nonprofit organizations that provide ag education, promote ag activities or support ag as a way of life are encouraged to apply.

FREDERICK, MD – June 11, 2024: Applications are now being accepted for the FY25 Friends of The Great Frederick Fair grant cycle. Applications will be accepted through June 30.

Grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that provide agriculture education; support the renovation, construction and/or maintenance of buildings used to promote agricultural activities; and/or promote agriculture as an industry and as a way of life in Frederick County, Maryland. A total of $45,000 is available for this grant cycle.

To be eligible, an organization must certify that it is one of the following: a 501c3 nonprofit; a government agency applying for an extraordinary project that is not funded by tax revenue; a religious organization requesting funding for non-sectarian activities; or a civic group that is not a 501c3 requesting funding for a community cause.

Learn more and apply by the June 30 deadline at