Existing Funds


Items 585 to 592 of 828

Michelle Shearer STEM Fund

Founded by Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. to honor Michelle Shearer, the 61st National Teacher of the Year and Frederick County Public Schools teacher, by providing scholarships to Frederick County Public Schools graduating seniors planning a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Learn More

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Mick and Sandy Mastrino Memorial Scholarship Fund

Founded through Mrs. Mastrino's estate provisions for graduates of Frederick High School. Learn More

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Middletown Valley Trails Fund

A fund created for planning, purchasing land, and constructing trails in the Middletown Valley. A priority is to connect towns with each other and with parks, including the C&O Canal, South Mountain, and Gambrill Park, through a combination of multi-use trails. The trails across and through the Valley will enable people of all generations and backgrounds to get outside and connect with nature and in doing so create healthier and happier communities. Learn More

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Mildred B. Trevvett Music Education Fund

Founded by niece Jane Clark Peluso to honor her dedication to music education and to support music educators through grants and/or scholarships. Learn More

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Monocacy Foundation Developmental Disabilities/Doris Remsberg Fund

Founded by brother Tommy Dorsey and the Monocacy Foundation for grants for persons with developmental disabilities. Learn More

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